Equality & Diversity
Equality and Diversity Policy Statement
Nexus, The Chambers of Michael Mansfield QC (‘Nexus Chambers’) and members of Nexus Chambers (‘members of chambers’), in relation to their professional practice and the administration of chambers, aim to treat everyone equally and to ensure that no job applicant, employee, worker, member, client, or visitor is discriminated against, victimised, or harassed on the grounds of a protected characteristic. The protected characteristics are: race; colour; ethnic or national origin; nationality; citizenship; sex; gender re-assignment; sexual orientation; marital or civil partnership status; disability; age; religion or belief; and pregnancy, maternity, or adoption (for the primary carer).
The affairs of chambers are conducted in a manner which is fair and equitable for all barristers and pupils, and Nexus Chambers aims to ensure that no job applicant, employee, worker, member, pupil, prospective member or pupil, client, or visitor is treated less favourably, nor placed at a disadvantage on the grounds of their part-time status or trade union activities.
Scope of Policy
Nexus Chambers is committed to providing equal opportunities to our employees, workers, members, and clients, and to encouraging diversity in the workplace. Nexus Chambers actively encourages the reporting of unlawful or unfair discriminatory behaviour to a member of management.
Nexus Chambers’ Equality and Diversity policy incorporates policies on Harassment, Parental and Adoption Leave, Flexible Working, Reasonable Adjustments, and Diversity Data Policy (Appendices 1-5).
Implementation and Monitoring
Nexus Chambers’ Equality and Diversity Officer is James Manning. Nexus Chambers has a written plan for the implementation, review, and monitoring of its equality and diversity policy.
In addition, Nexus Chambers regularly surveys, monitors, and reviews information about diversity within chambers. Chambers’ Diversity Data Officer is Omran Belhadi.
Nexus Chambers is committed to providing work environment in which everyone is treated equally and with respect. We take very seriously, and do not tolerate or condone, any form of unwanted conduct relating to age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation which has the aim or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or which creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment for that person. Any person experiencing or witnessing such behaviour has a right to complain and should refer to the Nexus Chambers Harassment Policy, at Appendix One.
This policy, in addition to being available on Nexus Chambers’ website
(www.nexuschambers.com/nexus/equality-diversity), is circulated to all members, staff, pupils, clerks, and those who are required to read and understand it.
Complaints and Grievances
Complaints of harassment may be raised informally with the Equality & Diversity
Officer, the chairman of chambers’ management committee, with the Welfare Officer, the Head of Chambers, or with any other senior member of chambers. Other informal complaints may be made to the Head of Chambers or to the practice managers. Formal complaints under this policy should be made under the Nexus Chambers Complaints Procedure and addressed to the Equality and Diversity Officer.
This policy will be reviewed in or about January 2023, or beforehand if necessary.
Recruitment and Selection
Nexus Chambers does not discriminate unlawfully on grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief, or age, in accordance with our Equality Policy Statement. We will also make reasonable adjustments for disabled candidates, and if any person believes that a reasonable adjustment should be made, they are encouraged to communicate this to one of the practice managers (Del Edgeler, Martin Parker, or Lee Wakeling).
Fair and objective selection criteria are applied in all applications for mini-pupillage, internship/work experience, pupillage, tenancy, or employment, subject to the need for any reasonable adjustments for disabled candidates . Members of chambers are required to have regard to the Fair Recruitment Guide, as published by the Bar Council.
Fair Access to Work and the Allocation of Unassigned Work
The affairs of chambers are conducted in a manner which is fair and equitable to all members of chambers and pupils, including – but not limited to – the fair distribution of work amongst pupils
and members of chambers, including members who are of fewer than four years’ standing and members who are returning from parental leave.
The allocation of unassigned work within chambers is monitored by the recording in writing of all new work enquiries and, in respect of such enquiries, to whom any work is allocated. These records are subject to annual monitoring and in the event that any disparities arise in relation to race, disability, or gender these will be investigated and, if necessary, appropriate remedial action taken.