Vincent Parkin


Vincent was trained as a professional economist and spent over 20 years in the finance industry, working in investment banking, wealth management and asset management. He was a Managing Director with Credit Suisse and UBS and worked in London, New York and Sāo Paulo, Brazil.

As he began to explore a new career in the law, Vincent worked as a volunteer for the international human rights organisation Reprieve for several months during 2015. There he was involved with cases of Guantanamo Bay inmates and did research and advocacy related to the civilian victims of drone strikes.

Since being called to the bar in 2019, Vincent has represented clients in the Crown Court, Magistrates’ Court and the Youth Court, in a wide range of criminal matters. Amongst notable successes have been:

– R v GA (Guildford Crown Court) 2021 – Mitigated successfully to obtain a suspended sentence for being concerned in the supply of Class B drugs, despite prior drugs convictions;

– R v HM (Croydon Crown Court) 2021 – Appeal against custodial sentence for drink driving. Achieved 50% reduction in custodial term and suspension of sentence together with reduction in period of disqualification;

– R v GA (Guildford Crown Court) 2021 – Obtained suspended sentence for conviction on being concerned in the supply of drugs (class B);

– R v LT (Kingston Crown Court) 2021 – Overturned sentence of disqualification for speeding

– R v LS (Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court) – Achieved acquittal for H2S protestor on charge of aggravated trespass

– R v AM (Bexley Magistrates’ Court) 2021 – Achieved acquittal on charge of assault with intent to resist arrest

– R v SP (High Wycombe Magistrates’ Court) 2021 – Achieved acquittal on charges of failing to give information on identity of driver and speeding

– R v LC (Bromley Magistrates’ Court) 2021 – Achieved acquittal on charge of stalking and drink driving;

– R v SB (Stratford Magistrates’ Court) 2021 – Achieved acquittal on a charge of assault involving a youth complainant and an adult defendant;

– R v MG (St. Albans Youth Court) 2020 – Achieved acquittal on a charge of possession of an offensive weapon;

– R v JH (Bromley Magistrates’ Court) 2020 – Won a Newton Hearing leading to acceptance of a basis of plea on a charge of possession of a bladed article. The basis was that the defendant had picked up the knife from the road moments before being stopped by the police;

– R v CY (Lavender Hill Magistrates’ Court) 2020 – Successful in convincing Crown to offer no evidence in trial for breach of non-molestation order as an abuse, given Covid-related delays in bringing prosecution.

Given his background in banking, capital markets and finance, Vincent is well equipped to represent clients facing charges of fraud or other economic or financial crime. He has represented a client facing charges of VAT fraud.

Vincent is willing to take on cases pro bono and has advised Extinction Rebellion protestors facing charges of obstruction of the highway, on this basis.

He is registered to take on public access work.



B.A. (Hons) (Carleton University) – Economics/Spanish – University Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement

M.Phil / Ph.D (University of Cambridge) – Economics

LL.B. (London School of Economics) – First Class Honours

BPTC (City University) – Very Competent

Vincent speaks Portuguese, Spanish and French and is able to advise clients in these languages.