Rochelle is experienced in defending clients charged with a wide range of criminal offences, from the most serious, such as Murder, Rape and GBH to offences that are not as serious but nonetheless require the expertise that Rochelle has gained throughout her career.
Before being called to the Bar Rochelle was a Duty solicitor for 14 years and a Higher Court Advocate for the last 10 years, Rochelle has spent most of her career in the Crown Court.
Having qualified as Duty Solicitor and an accredited Police Station representative, Rochelle is very familiar with the process at the police stations, with a considerable degree of expertise in protecting the rights of a detainee and with all of the general procedures at the police station. Rochelle can therefore deal with a criminal matter form the Police Station all the way through to the Court of Appeal.
Rochelle has acted as Leading Junior and been instructed as the Junior to both Kings Counsel and Leading Junior Counsel.
Notable cases
R v J & Other – (Inner London Crown Court) J and 3 others were indicted for an ABH. One of the defendants made a successful half time submission, at the close of the crown’s case of the remaining defendants only 2 gave evidence one being J. J was cross examined on a short piece of Body worn footage in which she is seen complaining to the police that they had arrested R. R, who had nothing to do with the incident, the point being taken that she was not protesting her own lack of involvement. J explained that the edited piece of footage was misleading and was part of a much longer recorded conversation which had never been served. the Crown were directed to serve the unedited version of the BWV. The footage shows, a member of security staff approaching one of the police officers, to have a private conversation.
The officer is seen returning, with a concerned look on his face, and says to his colleague’s words to the effect of, “he is saying the victim was being aggressive”. No statement, name or any identifying details were taken from him. There was no entry on the CRIS report disclosing his existence. He remains anonymous to this day.
As a result, an application was made to have the proceedings stayed as an abuse of process. The application was successful on both limbs.
R v M & others – (Wood Green Crown Court) Leading Junior. M was 1 of 8 defendants in this trial, For Trafficking young women to the UK from Romania, and Criminal Property/Proceeds of Crime. The case had 17 complainants. Two other alleged co-conspirators (one being the alleged ringleader) were being tried in parallel proceedings in Romania. There were novel issues in this case, both of fact and of law, created by the existence of the proceedings in Romania.
This raised complexed questions of cross-jurisdictional admissibility and of disclosure obligations. The Prosecution were sought to rely on intercept evidence obtained by the Romanian authorities. There were additional evidential issues that arose as the Romanian proceedings progressed, which had to be dealt with expeditiously as they arose, during the trial itself. An application was made under s78 to exclude the intercept evidence, which was refused. However, M was acquitted of the trafficking offence.
R v R & others – (Manchester Crown Court) Junior Alone. The defendant was charged with 2 counts of rape. The Defendant had learning difficulties and required an intermediary. This was not identified until 2 days before the trial was due to start. The matter was listed following day, and an application was made to vacate the trial date. The Judge on this occasion said it was a matter for the trial Judge. On the morning of the trial, I made an application for the trial to be adjourned. It was refused.
During the trial an expert was found the Defendant accessed and a full report place before the court. Unfortunately, the application to discharge the jury, so the defendant could have an intermediary throughout the proceeding was reject. However, the Court followed the recommendations set out in the report with an effective grounds rule hearing. The defendant’s needs were managed throughout the Trial ensuring he was properly represented and, at the same time of ensuring he had the necessary breaks and understood what was happening throughout his trial.
R v D-C & others – (Central Criminal Court) Lead by KC. D-C was charged 21 counts of Conspiracy to Rob Supermarkets over a 2-year period. All the robberies took place in the early morning as the stores were preparing to open. D-C was arrested and charged with the offences based on a pair of Timberland boots that when compared to a footprint taken form one of the stores there appeared to be a match. There was also telephone evidence that connected the defendant to some of the robberies. The case centred several experts, telephone, cell site and a Forensic expert.
A forensic expert was instructed on behalf of the defence to look at weather as per the Crown expert that a shoe print comparison some 21 months after the event is reliable. Detailed cross-examination was undertaken with the Crowns expert. They were challenged as to weather a comparison made 21 months later; the shoe having been worn in that time is reliable.
It became clear through robust cross examination that apart from the fact the print and the shoe were both timberland in origin that was the extend of the match.
R v P & others – (Central Criminal Court) Junior Alone: P was one of six defendants charged with Murder, Conspiracy to commit GBH and Violent Disorder. The defendant had attended a party in an opposing gang area. There was some trouble during the party, from the opposing gang. However the adults at the party sent them away.
P Left the party a few minutes before the rest of the party goers. A fight then breaks out outside the address where the party was held. A chase ensured and passed P. P realises some of his friends are being chased and try to assist. One of the opposing gang member was stabbed and died. P was charged with the above offences.
At the end of the Crowns case a half time submission was made on the count of Murder and the Conspiracy to commit GBH. It was refused. The trial continued and at the end of the defence cases. The application was renewed and granted.
R v R – (Isleworth Crown Court) Junior Alone: R was charged with the rape of S whom he had met only 10 days prior on a dating app. The issue in this case was the withdrawal of consent rather than consent itself. This was a case that came down to weather R was aware that S had withdrawn consent at the point its alleged R choked her.
There was an attempt by the crown to make a bad character application on pending matter as opposed to convictions. The applications were successfully opposed on the basis that they would only have been admissible if they were of a very similar nature and circumstance.
R v S and Others – (Woolwich Crown Court) Junior Alone: This was matter of a 16 year old charged on 9 count indictment of a number of rapes. D had a number had several issues prior to trial and during trial. S was a looked after child with Special educational need on bail for several offences.
S required an intermediary for his evidence. However, during the trial he was supported by a Youth worker and his social Worker. Care was required on cross examination as the complainant was only 15 at the time. Whilst there was no requirement s for the types of questions the complaint would be asked it was important whilst asking the questions they were in a manner that was child focused but was robust at the same time. A successful application was made under s41 for the complainants’ pervious sexual history. On the basis that the complainant had introduced the evidence and therefore it was only right she be cross examined on it.
R v M & Others (Highbury Corner Youth Court) Certificate for Counsel: M was a 15 year old youth charged with 3 other in relation to a S18 GBH that occurred on a bus. The trial was slip over 5 days, comprising of 3 days and then 2 weeks later 2 days. There was a s78 application made regarding some of the CCTV in the case. The application was successful and the relevant CCTV to the argument was excluded.
M required an intermediary throughout proceedings. A lot time was spent taking M slowly through the proceeding throughout the day to ensure he understood at all times what was happening in his case. The defendant’s needs were managed throughout the Trial ensuring he was properly represented and, at the same time of ensuring he had the necessary breaks, as agreed in the ground rules hearing.
R v R & others – (Snaresbrook Crown Court) Led by Leading Junior- D was charged as part of a conspiracy to posses a firearm and ammunition. Prior to the trial which was the second trial the co-defendants entered guilty pleas to the 2 count indictment.
My role was to go through all the telephone evidence in the case and in particular the 49,000 pages download of R’s phone. This required detailed examination of the document and to create a number of schedules based on the tasks set and R’s defence.
R was part of the case on the basis that he was the mini-cab driver stopped by the police and the back passenger
R v K and B – Represented a defendant who had set up a man to be attacked/robbed by her friends in a honey trap robbery. An application was made to the Court of Appeal on the basis that the sentence was manifestly excessive. The appeal was allowed, and the sentence was reduced.
R v C-V – Represented 14 year old youth charged with the robbery of a mobile phone. An application was made during the trial to have the identification evidence excluded. After conviction an appeal was made to the Court of Appeal against the conviction which was successful.