Beata Kopel


Beata Kopel

Contact Beata


Miss Kopel specialises in Criminal Law, with a particular emphasis on Defence work, which has seen her appear in multi-handed attempted murder and gross negligence manslaughter trials at the Central Criminal Court as Led Junior Counsel.

She also has considerable experience in other serious matters where she has acted alone, representing Defendants in trials involving sexual offences, including rape and child sex offences, some historic; blackmail conspiracies, serious assault (GBH, inc stabbings & hammer attacks), conspiracy to supply Class A Drugs, money laundering and fraud, including identity theft, and people trafficking.

In addition to her Crown Court and appellate practice, she represents Respondents in Extradition cases, specialising in European Arrest Warrants.

To date, Miss Kopel has secured acquittals in most of the cases she has defended, even in the face of seemingly overwhelming evidence.

She has also taught advocacy to students on the Bar Vocational Course.


French; Polish


BA (Hons); PG Dip (Law); BVC.


South Eastern Circuit

Criminal Bar Association.